Dentics Cancun specializes to work together to provide all the necessary dental implant procedures to solve your problems applying the most advance techniques and sterilization procedures according to “cofepris” regulations. For your safety and confidence, we use state of the art equipment, including computer dental radiography (98% less radiation), intra oral video cameras and other advance technology during the dental implant surgery to ensure the best possible outcome.

Top Dental Implant Brands and Techniques for Long-Term Success at Dentics Cancun

At Dentics Cancun we only use the most reputable dental implant brands on the market such as: Straumann, Noble Biocare and Noedent-Struamann group brand. These known brands have proven scientifically long term success and in some cases guarantee.

Dental implants are considering one of the most common procedures in dentistry and have been in use for over 30 years. Implants (made from titanium) can be used to support a number of other dental prostheses including crowns, bridges, fix hybrid dentures, snap on dentures. malformed teeth, severe developmental discolorations or even heavily restored teeth.

Using All On 6 Dental implant technique:

Dentics Cancun can provide our patients with beautiful, functional non-removable teeth. In some cases, there is no requirement of a lengthy wait of six months for implants to integrate in other cases there is. The teeth are non-removable, look and feel like natural teeth, and can provide the added benefit of preserving the bone structure of your jaw. These protocols can alleviate so much of what people dislike about the more conventional appliance.

Some of the benefits of all on four dental implants include:

  • No slippage or sore spots
  • The preservation of the jawbone
  • The look and feel of natural teeth
  • Regaining almost all of your natural chewing and biting ability
  • Not having your dentures removed when checking into a hospital
  • The ability to eat the foods you want to eat instead of the foods your dentures will allow you to eat

Get In Touch With Us

Call us anytime
+1 844 855 9254
+52 (998) 883 0464

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Book a visit to Dentics Cancun, simply fill out the form below and we will contact you back regarding the intervention you require.


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    Dental Implants Benefits:

    All on 6 procedure in Cancun is a 2 – stage treatment 6 months apart:

    Cost in Mexico

    Total: $18,000 USD
    First trip payment require:
    $10,000 USD
    Second trip payment:
    $8,000 USD

    For your peace of Mind!

    At Dentics Cancun our team of specialist only work with top dental implant brands, Straumman, (Neodent-Staumman group brand) and Nobel.

    5-year guarantee

    For ceramic abutments and ceramic screw-retained bars and bridges attached to an implant and for tooth- and implant-supported ceramic restorations.

    10-year guarantee

    For Straumann® Novaloc® abutments and metal screw-retained bars and bridges attached to an implant and for tooth- and implant-supported metal and resin nano ceramic restorations.


    Finalized restorations are replaced with equivalent implant and equivalent metal abutment.


    This is an addition (to the standard Lifetime Warranty) for Roxolid® implants: replacement with equivalent implant and equivalent abutment, (if necessary) and treatment compensation if the implant fractures.

    Committed To

    Teeth Veneers

    Veneers are the quickest and easiest way to perfect your smile. Dental veneers in Mexico by Dentics Cancun is an affordable cosmetic dentistry treatment that will transform your smile and improve your self-esteem.

    Dental Implants

    If you want healthy, natural-looking teeth, dental implants in Mexico by Dentics Cancun will make your smile makeover come true with Dental Implants are as close to natural teeth as you can get.

    Dental Crowns

    Fix broken, ugly, or misshapen teeth with dental crowns in Mexico. Crowns by Dentics Cancun can strengthen your teeth and improve your smile while you’re enjoying a Cancun vacation.

    All On 4 Dental Implants

    Patients who have lost teeth or wear dentures can replace several teeth in a row with the All on 4 implant procedure in Mexico. Dentics Cancun can perform this affordable smile makeover while you’re enjoying a relaxing beach vacation.

    Dentics Cancun

    A team of dentists working to ensure you receive the best treatment.

    Real Patient Stories
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    Copyright 2023 by Dentics Cancun®. All rights reserved.

    Copyright 2023 by Dentics Cancun®. All rights reserved.

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